Friday, 29 October 2010

Are plastic 28mm too detailed?

I was wondering if anyone else had come across plastics which are too detailed? I recently completed a box of Perry medievals and was really worn out and tired of them by the end! For my painting tastes there was just too much fine detail! It was like trying to paint a large 1/72nd scale figure...too many buckles that couldnt be seen unless the figure was being examined on its own.
I know I shoud'nt complain but (theres always a but) instead of a quick and cheap way to build an army these things take an age and should come with a spec savers voucher. Ouch, now I'm being too harsh plus I dont want the Perries sending the lads round to break my painting fingers!


  1. totally agree, I did some of the GB plastic vikings, still got half to do in the box

  2. I feel sorry for those on commission work who have to put in all the detail to get paid.I only have to please my self as to the level of detail.But well painted ones do look the bees kness :)

  3. You are right,it depends on your painting sills and the time you have to paint them aswell.The Victrix napoleonics are really detailed and a pain to paint.

  4. Thanks for the comments chaps, glad to see I'm not alone or that its just my eyesight thats failing! I wonder if the manufacturers may be peruaded to dumb down their castings?
