Thursday 11 November 2010

Simply 6 and Baccus work begins

Well the Baccus figures and Simply 6 buildings arrived a few days ago. My first impression was that "oh no they are so small!" Anyway despite their size I havwe begun to paint them and actually they are not so difficult, indeed the buildings paint up super quick and look very effective.
I will post some pics tomorrow weather permitting-here in Cumbria its been as dull as Iceland...At the speed and price these things paint up I would be tempted into other periods in this scale....just wait for Baccus to release some WW1 figures or Russian civil war...


  1. Good to hear,been thinking of 6mm modern for a while now.

  2. Yes, I hope that Baccus do go more modern. Each base can be made to look like a diorama and it would suit the early 20th century.
